The Freestyle dominates the Fan – UPDATE

What makes our row on South Cathedral Place isn't just the history of who built it and who lived there, but the style.  The row combines the best of the Modern French, Queen Anne and Italianate into it's own cohesive Freestyle cluster.  The Freestyle became a pattern in itself in many instances in the Fan. [...]

An element of the hardware ID’d

Went through a 1970's reprint of John Leighton's Suggestions On Design, offering just over 100 plates (1000's of drawings) of motifs he designed.  Came across a match identified as Moorish with the cubic overlapping and interlacing ornamentation terminating with a floral motif.  Many of the Moorish designs also suggested a variation in texture in the [...]

Looking for a motif

It's been a week since posting; lots of non-school work keeping me busy this past few days.  I am hoping to uncover and identify a motif in the porches of our properties.  Dr. Brownell is curious about a possible Indian inspiration here.  There are also come similarities in the porch detail and the hardware pattern, [...]